March’s birthstone: Aquamarine, the eternal youth gem
Aquamarine is known as eternal youth and luck gemstone; it is March’s birthstone associated with Pisces zodiac sign.

Even in its rough form, before it’s been faceted and polished, the aquamarine has a beautifully clear blue color. Once polished, its beauty and allure make it one of the world’s most famous jewelry stones.
Aquamarine is a semi-precious stones that belongs to the beryl family and have excellent clarity and transparency compared to many other similar gems.
The name “aquamarine” comes from the Latin “Aqua Marinus,” meaning “water of the sea,” referring to its colors ranging from the light blue of the ocean to the lagoons’ green-blue, depending on the amount of iron present inside.
The leading producing country is Brazil; then there are Pakistan, Madagascar, Zambia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Russia, and the United States.
The aquamarine is softer than a diamond but still a relatively hard stone, measuring from 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs Scale of Hardness.
Curious fact: The largest aquamarine ever mined has been found in Marambaia, Brazil, in 1910. It weighed over 110 kg, and its dimensions were 48.5 cm long and 42 cm in diameter!

Legend says that:
Ancient Romans believed that Neptune, god of the sea, obtained the stone when it fell out of the mermaids’ jewel box and washed it up on the shore.
These beliefs made aquamarine a talisman worn by sailors as protection against drowning because surely Neptune wouldn’t want these jewels to disappear back into the sea!
Other ancient civilizations as Greeks, Egyptians, and Hebrews also wore it to stimulate memory and to awaken clairvoyant abilities and used its power to heal infections, particularly for the eye.
Regarding aquamarine as decorative jewelry, traces have been found dating back as far as 500 B.C.
A stone with healing and helpful powers
This gorgeous stone is seen as a substitute for blue sapphire and has seen a resurgence in popularity, particularly in engagement rings. Aquamarine is believed to symbolize primordial values of a marriage, like health, courage, clear communication, and fidelity.
It is also offered for wedding anniversaries. Indeed, aquamarine gemstones revive the love of those who have been married for a long time.
Due to its association with the karmic Saturn planet, people facing financial difficulties or business challenges are advised to wear aquamarine gemstones to get better outcomes.
It is also associated with the throat chakra. Thus it is believed to heal respiratory tract and inflammatory diseases.
Emotionally, it is a stone of empowerment, which helps overcome speaking and anxiety and relax the senses. For this reason, it is often used in meditation.
Simultaneously, this stone possesses kind energy that helps to be more compassionate and less judgmental.
Which are the most famous Aquamarine stones?
Queen Elizabeth II’s Brazilian aquamarine parure
The Brazilian aquamarine parure began with a necklace and a pair of earrings. These diamonds and aquamarine pieces were presented to Queen Elizabeth II in 1953 by the Brazilian President as a coronation gift on behalf of Brazil’s people.
By 1957, the Queen had also commissioned Garrard to make a tiara to match the aquamarine demi-parure.

Lady Diana aquamarine ring
Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle received this striking jewelry piece from Prince Harry during their wedding. The ring belonged to Princess Diana, features a large, emerald-cut, pale blue aquamarine gem, estimated at over 30 carats, surrounded by smaller diamonds.
Originally designed to be a part of Princess Diana’s jewelry set, the ring matched one of her aquamarine bracelets.
She wore it at a Christie’s auction of her dresses in June 1997, just two months before her death.

The Dom Pedro aquamarine
The largest cut aquamarine gem and maybe its most beautiful representation is the Dom Pedro obelisk masterpiece.
It is the largest-faced aquamarine gemstone globally, almost 36cm in length and a staggering 10 363 carats!
This stone was cut by the so-call “Picasso of Gems” Bernd Munsteiner and can be seen in the Smithsonian National Gem & Mineral Collection in Washington.
This semi-precious stone has been gifted to President Roosevelt’s wife during their trip to Brazil after the second presidential election in 1936.
The stone was the most significant cut aquamarine piece and part of Brazilian President Getúlio Vargas’s private collection.
It is a whopping 1298 carats and was part of a larger rough stone weighing over 1,3kg which was cut in Amsterdam, giving the beautiful piece seen below.

Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt’s Aquamarine
This semi-precious stone has been gifted to President Roosevelt’s wife during their trip to Brazil after the second presidential election in 1936.
The stone was the most significant cut aquamarine piece and part of Brazilian President Getúlio Vargas’s private collection.
It is a whopping 1298 carats and was part of a larger rough stone weighing over 1,3kg which was cut in Amsterdam, giving the beautiful piece seen below.